Proven in action
Trusted by hosts
Take a look at how RentEye has been reviewed by our clients across various use cases.
Our guests perceive RentEye as a typical sensor, like a smoke detector — we haven't received any negative feedback about it.
Grzegorz Żurawski
10+ apartments
I was looking for a simple, effective and inexpensive solution after illegal party in my apartment. RentEye met these expectations.
Jolanta Koszelew
1 apartment
Flexible solution
Built with versatility in mind
Prevent damages and unwanted
parties before they happen.
Complete protection
Keep an eye on your business
RentEye is more than a noise detector. It’s a maintenance-free, real-time monitoring system that gives you full insight into what’s currently happening in your rental properties without violating your guests’ privacy.
- Ready to use in 5 minutes
- Real-time monitoring
- Instant noise alerts
- Automated daily reports
- 100% privacy-safe